
Only pay for what you use

No strings attached

No subscription, no recurring costs. You only pay for the maps you generate. No matter if you want to get ST Maps for distortion or Multiply Maps for shading, there is an attractive base price for your loaded shot. You only exceed this base price if you want to process a shot with a lot of lens settings. In this case, you are charged according to the number of lens settings. You can find the base prices and lens setting prices for each lens series in the table below.

Lens Base Price Distortion Shading
2,50 € Free Free
CP.2 Macro
CP.2 SuSpd
5,00 € 0,15 € 0,10 €
7,50 € 0,20 € 0,13 €

Calculation Examples

Generating ST Maps and Multiply Maps

We have created a couple of calculation examples below.
One lens setting is defined as a unique combination of focal length, focus distance and aperture values.

Lens Series: High/ Super Speed MK II/ III
Frames: 240
Lens Settings: 1
Base Shot Price (Distortion): 5.00 €

Lens Setting Price (Distortion): 1 x 0.15 € = 0.15 €

Total: 5.00 €
You pay the base price because the lens settings price is lower.
Lens Series: High/ Super Speed MK II/ III
Frames: 480
Lens Settings: 50
Base Shot Price (Distortion): 5.00 €
Lens Setting Price (Distortion): 50 x 0.15 € = 7.50 €

Total: 7.50 €
You pay the lens settings price because the base price is exceeded.
Lens Series: Supreme Prime (Radiance)
Frames: 300
Lens Settings: 150
Base Shot Price (Shading): 2.50 €
Lens Setting Price (Shading): 150 x 0.00 € = 0.00 €

Total: 2.50 €
You always pay the base price for eXtended Data lenses.
Lens Series: Supreme Prime (Radiance)
Frames: 150
Lens Settings: 50
Base Shot Price (Distortion): 2.50 €
Base Shot Price (Shading): 2.50 €
Lens Setting Price (Distortion): 50 x 0.00 € = 0.00 €
Lens Setting Price (Shading): 50 x 0.00 € = 0.00 €

Total: 5.00 €
You always pay the base price for eXtended Data lenses for both map types.
The lens settings count is always the same for both map types.